

Securing funding can be a daunting task even for the most experienced of businesses. 为了应对这一挑战, the Arizona Commerce Authority has designed the 小企业贷款学院. 这个为期七周的综合课程是为 Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Businesses (SEDI) and Very 小型企业es (VSBs) to assist in generating the proper documentation for a microloan (under $50,000).


The program is competitive, and has business experience and time requirements. Admittance into the program is by application only and the program is offered at no cost, 价值约为1美元,每名参加者000. 由于课程的内容和设计,空间有限.


小企业贷款学院的申请如下 打开现在 通过 星期五,2024年9月20日.




Join the ACA for an inside look at how the 小企业贷款学院 fall cohort operates. 





9月2日: 应用程序打开 

9月5日: 会话信息

9月20日: 应用程序关闭

9月. 9月23日. 26: 应用综述

9月. 10月27日. 3: 申请人将被选定并通知

10月9日: 第1周-借贷入门

10月16日: 第二周-了解债务借贷

10月23日: 第三周-起草你的商业计划

10月30日: 第4周——起草商业计划

11月6日: 第五周-起草商业计划

11月13日: 第六周-准备推销你的商业计划

11月20日: 第七周-推销你的商业计划和毕业典礼


Participants will benefit from the expertise of financial and lending professionals who will help guide them 通过 completing a micro-funding loan packet and preparing a lean business plan. This seven-week program will assist in generating accurate financial statements, 性格和商业计划.  


The 小企业贷款学院 program will assist participants with the following: 

  • 准备: 小额贷款的要求不同于更高价值的贷款. Experts in the field of Microlending will educate participants on the requirements for a micro-loan packet. 
  • 问责制: Consistent instruction and program design gives participants the structure they need to complete the cohort within the 7-week timeframe.
  • 专家指导: 财务状况是任何贷款申请的关键部分. The ACA has contracted with accounting professionals to help your business prepare for funding 通过 necessary financial statements in personalized one-on-one sessions. 
  • 品格的建立: Micro-lending focuses on the character of the applicant and their story. Participants can display their dedication and willingness 通过 developing a lean business plan. Participants will also be instructed how to present their lean business plan with confidence.  
  • 规划未来: 在节目结束时, 大多数参与者将获得一份完整的小额贷款包, 准备提交资金申请. They will also have developed a roadmap for tracking their finances. This develops positive financial habits well beyond the program and funding, 给企业发展和扩大规模的机会.


Businesses that properly complete the program will have a micro-loan packet that contains:

  • 精益商业计划 & 口头陈述计划 
  • 12个月业务预测 
  • 年初至今预计损益表  
  • 年初至今资产负债表 
  • 未来的财务结构和规划


Having completed documents does not guarantee a lender will disburse a loan to the business, 即使在成功完成课程之后. Each business can be in a different lifecycle and individual results may vary.


For businesses to apply, they must meet the following requirements below:

  • 准备申请5万美元以下的商业贷款 
  • 年总收入低于25万美元 
  • Must be in business at least 2+ Years (active, not just established) 
  • Be a Socially Economically Disadvantaged Individual (SEDI) OR Very 小型企业 (VSP - Under 10 employees)
  • Two years of personal federal income tax returns and the previous year's business tax return  
  • 一定是在亚利桑那州吗 
  • Currently have a financial system in place to track business expenditures and income (ex: QuickBooks, FreshBooks, 鑫元鸿, 波, 商业会计, 等.)


If your business does not meet these requirements or you are a business looking for assistance getting started, 请参阅 小型企业清单 了解更多信息. 





The 小企业贷款学院 cohort is a fast-paced, seven-week program. 在启动阶段, 参与者将被介绍cq9传奇电子论坛期望, 时间线, 通信协议和指导员. Participants will also register for Google Classroom and access their online materials.

  • Q&A: Participants will have the opportunity to ask any questions they have about the program's expectations.
  • 安排入会时间: A crucial part of the program is connecting with your accounting professional. The first task will be to arrange an intake session with the contracted accounting entity.




群组会议: Participants will learn more about the debt lending process and how to request the correct amount of funds. 其他概念将被讨论,如抵押品, 债务计划, 偿还债务和杠杆化债务. 贷款需要一般的财务文件. Participants will compare these requirements to their current financials.


周3 - 5


第三周: Participants will learn about the importance of a business plan and its various components. They will understand what is needed in their business plan for successful submission and presentation in 第6周. Participants will learn and construct their lean business plan on the topics of Identity, 问题, 解决方案和目标市场. 

4周: Participants will continue to fine tune parts of their business plan. These sections will include competition, revenue streams and marketing.

第五周: 参与者将完成他们商业计划的最后一部分. These later sections will include expenses, team roles and milestones.

每周会计课: Meet one-on-one with a financial advisor from weeks 3-5 for personalized financials.




Participants will finalize business plan components and prepare for the final week’s presentation. 本节课将教授演示概念.

  • 办公时间 for any questions regarding financial statements and pitch practice will take place. Business plan verbal explanations are just as valuable as the content within a business plan. Participants will want to take advantage of fine tuning their explanations and aligning content. 




商业计划书展示: Participants will present their business plan (3 mins) in front of a review committee that will give meaningful feedback and expertise.

毕业后: Participants that complete the program will receive a certificate of completion from the Arizona Commerce Authority.